Task 1


At this stage I am confident with computers, i’ll admit I can get frustrated with new programmes BUT am eager to learn them.

I have access to a macbook at home, fairly old now and starting to melt It would seem. Unfortunately no creative software as of yet, unless you want to include Garageband. The internet connection is usually very good.

I have used photoshop before, mostly a few years back though for university, I did things such as logo design, album artwork, and looking at imagery with manipulation, however, I don’t remember info on resolution etc.

Ive never used illustrator or InDesign, nor have i self published, and zilch knowledge on programming.

My phone is an iPhone so a fairly decent camera which I enjoying using for various photo taking, usually of people or interesting places and scenes, I don’t have a DSLR camera but would definitely look at investing into one in the future.

I rarely use any other online accounts currently, I do have vimeo which i used for a previous music course but haven’t used it since.

Iphone Photo: Nile Scenery

Iphone Photo: Nile Scenery

Iphone photo with B & W, Reflection

Iphone photo with B & W, Reflection

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