Scanning/Editing drawings for Screen Print

Digital Applications, Live Project, Screen print, Uncategorized

To prepare my drawings for screen print, I used a scanner to import them to the computer and in turn Photoshop for editing.

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I needed to remove all the marks on the image such as the paper and leave only the pen design to get a clear image. Using the magic wand tool you can select areas to remove based around your image, using tone and colour it detects and groups areas together. For my images this worked well in removing everything but the black pen.

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This left me with a much more accurate image to work from. I also used the levels tool to make the lines darker, this will leave me with clearer lines on the screen.

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I then printed this on drafting film, this is similar to acetate but has a matte finish and allows me to put it through a printer, considering i will be working with many different designs it is more time efficient to be able to print my designs in preparation for screen printing as opposed to redrawing each one individually, however the drafting film is quite expensive, around £5 for an A1 sheet.

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